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Reynaldo Gianecchini supports the cause of FWB

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“I’m very glad to see how effective Fraternity Without Borders’ work is in the lives of these people who were at first doomed to have nothing. Nowadays it is possible to see that these people are already provided with food and basic care. Every single victory we have is a joy”.

Foto: Gustavo Arrais

Reynaldo Gianecchini has met Fraternity Without Borders at a lecture he attended in Birigui, in the countryside of the State of São Paulo. Without blinking an eye he decided to help, became a sponsor and committed to the cause from the beginning. After some years, he wanted to get to know the work that made his heart beat faster. In 2017 he traveled to Mozambique and there he saw the Community centers, the culture and reality of Mozambique.
During the trip, the actor donated a well to the Chimbembe people, who now live a different routine thanks to this initiative.

“It’s a beautiful experience, because when you go to a place where people have nothing, nothing to eat or drink, it ends up being a slap in the face. We learn so much because they show acceptance and they are happy, much more than us, who have everything”.


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