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The writer and lecturer Wellerson Santos is a volunteer and coordinator at FWB

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“I feel glad to be part of this chain of love. I remember the teachings from Jesus expressed by the parable of the Samaritan that reflects exactly the activities and the proposal of experiencing fraternity without any borders, geographical, religious, gender-related, social or racial. I sometimes feel like that person who reaches out to those in need of help and other times like the one in need of a helping hand to continue, understanding that we all need each other. In the words of the Institution Coordinator, Wagner Moura, all we have to say is: We are together! Kanimambo!”

Wellerson met Fraternity Without Borders in January 2014 during his stay in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, headquarter city of the NGO. And for him, it was love at first sight. “The idea of crossing the Atlantic Ocean breaking barriers to help Africa involved me in such a way that in six months we were boarding to Mozambique”, he says.

Dedicated partner to the cause, he coordinates educational missions and he brings all his love and didactics to the children. “The missions get stronger and stronger with the support from selfless workers from the pedagogical field who have been joining forces with us to bring school tutoring, the teaching of values and so many other activities from the educational field”, he says.





Wellerson is also the author of the book Ubuntu, which tells a little of the story of the more than twenty FWB’ community centers in Mozambique, showing statements that are heartwarming and inspiring. The work presents all the emotion, difficulty, the feeling of compassion and fraternity present in this movement of brotherly love that our hearts have joined. All the money raised is entirely donated to Fraternity without Borders.




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