A beautiful report from a volunteer, touched by meeting again a child and her mother, both completely different and recovered, 1 year later, in Madagascar. Another report that proves that her act of love makes difference. Another report that proves that working on fraternity is always worthwhile.

“Here we are in Ambovombe, Madagascar, another humanitarian mission is coming to an end. There are sad stories, as usual, pretty sad stories, which we don’t have to live with in Brazil. We get discouraged, we go out for a while to take a breath or even to hide a weep. But today I want to talk about good things. I want to talk about life rescue, about hope that has been fulfilled.
One year ago, during the first humanitarian mission in Madagascar, we met, for the first time, Cleveir, who suffered from acute malnutrition.
And during this humanitarian mission I met Cleveir and his mother again. He is a different child. His mother is a different woman. That distrust look and tiredness we had seen on them turned into dignity and happiness towards life. Along with her other children, they live now in one of the houses in City of Fraternity. Her boy is enrolled in a malnutrition programme treatment at Fraternity without Borders. Today during the official opening, I went to visit her home. Two rooms, a veranda, furniture and above all safety, her future is not uncertain anymore.

All of this has only happened because someone sponsored this project.”

Flavia Chiaini, doctor.

Picture of Tatyane Cance

Tatyane Cance

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