
The Fraternity On The Street Is The Result Of Joining Different Beliefs And Different Minds With A Common Goal: Love Without Borders.

To overcome one of the greatest social challenges of our time, drug addiction, the NGO Fraternity without Borders and “Clínica da Alma MS” teamed up and launched on Wednesday (25) last week a new project. It aims to host, treat and reintegrate people who suffer from drug addiction. The Fraternity On the Street will be maintained by the system of sponsorship, donations and mobilization of volunteers who wants to help the project.

The launch took place at the headquarters of the FWB in Campo Grande / MS and was attended by the coordinators, volunteers, friends and sponsors of this initiative.

“We had the joy and honor of knowing the serious work of Pastor Milton,” said the president and founder of the Fraternity without Borders, Wagner Moura, speaking about the beginning of this partnership. “It is an honor for us to be instruments and multipliers of this work that has existed since 2007.”

Marcelo Mesquita is a businessman who has voluntarily dedicated himself to the recovery of addicted, in São Paulo, where he lived. Here in Campo Grande, when attending a Christmas lunch in the area of ​​the old bus station, he approached the cause again when he realized the need in the region. “I’ve always wanted to do more for these people who suffer from drug addiction, but many times we feel helpless. It was there that we thought of looking for a serious institution that could do this work honestly and with love, “he said, adding that” it was in that search that we arrived at Soraia and she took us to Wagner. Me and my wife were just a little seed. “

Soraia Monteiro, coordinator of the project, explained that the work comes from an old partnership with “Clínica da Alma”. “In the beginning, the Fraternity will do all the fundraising, both financially through sponsorship, as well as pedagogical resources. These people will be hospitalized for 9 months and from the eighth month the resocialization begins,” she said. Partnerships are being sought so that residents can leave the clinic with at least one vocational course in the curriculum, ready to change their lives.

With more than 25 hospitalizations to count, Rodrigo Morais, now 38 years old, was one of the first residents of Clínica da Alma. More than 10 years have passed and the bond and gratitude remain alive. “Father Milton met me and I moved into the church with a few more guys. That was the beginning of the Clínica da Alma, “he said. “Today I am married, I have a 3 year old daughter and I am still part of this project that has helped me so much. We must always be evolving, always giving, always listening to people around us who love us and want our good. God has already put in our DNA this ability to win, “he concluded.

For Father Milton, founder and president of the Clinic, the Street Fraternity means a next level in the history of the place known for helping to recover those men and women who society pretends not to see. “This project means a new journey into the lives of many people who were lost. This is the essence of this work: welcoming, teaching, bringing new fruits to our society, “he reflected.

“We need to welcome more people, build the “Clinica da Alma” for women, which is still in a rented place, plus the maintenance of people already integrated. Then, the Fraternity without Borders launches the patronage of this cause. We will be the point of raising funds so that the Clínica da Alma continues to do the wonderful work it already does, “concluded Wagner.

Picture of Tatyane Cance

Tatyane Cance

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