Fraternity Without Borders release its First International Meeting

The International Meeting, created by the NGO, which will be held in Switzerland in August 2020 has the mission of spreading fraternity around the world

Brazil, 27th November, 2019 – “One people, One heart” is the theme of the I International Meeting promoted by the brazilian non-government organization Fraternity Without Borders (FWB) which will take place in August 21 and 22, 2020, in Biel/Bienne/Switzerland.

Fraternity Without Borders is an organization, based in Brazil and with chapters internationally, that offers humanitarian care to children, young people and adults. The NGO maintains Community Centres, offering food, health care, shelter, vocational training, education, and sustainable cultivation in sub-Saharan Africa. Additionally, the NGO embraces children’s projects with microcephaly and rare disease. All projects are maintained through donations, mainly by sponsorship.

FWB is a movement that has volunteers from different parts of Brazil and the world. Thus, throughout its ten years, it has been emerging in countries like Switzerland, England, USA, and Canada.

First International Meeting – The program for the two days includes lectures of well-known people such as Wagner Moura, the founder and president of the Fraternity Without Borders, and papers about the actions developed by volunteers of the FWB. In addition, dance and music will be added to the event.

According to the International Relations Coordinator of the NGO, Andrei Moreira, the First Meeting emerges just as the FWB movement, and will bring together the actions and initiatives, not only for those in the groups created in Switzerland, England, USA, and Canada, but also to the numerous groups of volunteers and dedicated workers around the world, such as in Germany, Austria, and Portugal.

“We hope we will share, in the same way that we have done in Brazil, the awareness to the Fraternity Without Borders values. The first theme – One people, One heart’, we establish what is the heart of the FWB. Taking the  notion of empathy, humanity, solidarity, recognizing in others as well as in ourselves, and that we are all part of one family, united in one sentiment, in one heart”, concludes Moreira.

More about the event:

First Meeting Fraternity without Borders “One People, One Heart”

August, 21 and 22, 2020 | Calvinhaus

154 Mettstrasse, 2504 Biel/Switzerland

Reserve your tickets here:

The event will have simultaneous translation to English.

#ImeetingFSF #FSFoversea #onepeople #onelove

About the Fraternity without Borders – The FWB is ten years old and is a humanitarian and non-governmental organization based in Campo Grande (MS) and operating in Brazil and abroad. The institution has 45 sites, maintains community centers, offers food, health, vocational training, education, sustainable cultivation, construction of houses and even embraces projects of children with microcephaly and rare diseases. All initiatives are maintained through donations and mainly through sponsorship. With R$50 a month it is possible to contribute to a project and make a difference in many people’s lives. Among its biggest events is the First International FWB Meeting, which will take place August 21 and 22, 2020, in Biel/Bienne/Switzerland. More information can be obtained at, instagram, facebook, youtube.

Information to Press

Please reach out to us for information, documentation packs, or interview appointments you may require.

Tathiane Panziera

Press Consultancy Fraternity without Borders – Switzerland

Phone + 55 67 98416 2673

Picture of Assessoria de imprensa FSF

Assessoria de imprensa FSF

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