CANCELLATION OF THE 1st International Meeting Fraternity Wihtout Borders- One People, One Heart

We are living turbulent days, suffering from the impacts caused in several countries by COVID-19 – Coronavirus. In the whole world, the routine of many people had to change, the social and economic scenario of the coming months is uncertain and, for this reason we announce the cancellation of the event “1st International Meeting Fraternity Without Borders – One People, One Heart” that would be held on August, 21 to 22 in Biel/Bienne, Switerzland.

We understand that it is the time to be gathered in “One People, One Heart”, following with the affection of our families, in social distancing, preventing the proliferation of the virus and working in solidarity and fraternity in the face of the challenges of the moment. On the other hand, the good news is that we are studying the possibility of adapting the program and holding the First International Meeting online.

We inform that the reimbursement of the registration fee will be made by Event Brite, the platform used for registration. And in case of questions, the organization is available through the e-mail:

Those who wish to revert this amount in donation to Fraternity without Borders projects can access the websites:

Fraternity Without Borders Switerzland

Fraternity Without Borders UK:

Fraternity Without Borders US:

Fraternity Without Borders Brazil:

Stay safe, engage fraternally in the virtual initiatives you can, and know that we are together. Connected and certain that we continue to serve, promoting human dignity, breaking down barriers and connecting hearts, prepared to meet physically as soon as possible.



Picture of Emanuel Pizarro

Emanuel Pizarro

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